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Welche Farbe hat das Carson Rahmenprofil Art. 500907063


New member

weiß einer zufällig, welche Farbe das Rahmenprofil von Carson Art. 50090706 hat?
Ist es in natur alu oder vielleicht schon schwarz eloxiert bzw. lackiert?
Hallo Matze,

dank Dir:ok
Dann kann ich es mir auch beim Fechtner oder Getriebedoc kaufen.
okay, danke Luer:ok

Hab auch bei Carson angefragt, vorhin kam die Rückmail von einem Herrn Wolfgang Koch Kundenservice Tamiya / Carson SIMBA DICKIE GROUP:
" Hallo, das Profilmaterial hat die Farbe schwarz"

Wer hat denn nun recht :frage

habe gerade mal Tante Google gefragt und sie sagt mehrfach schwarz - schau mal hier.

Es gibt ein anderes Ergebnis hier, da handelt es sich aber auch um einen ganz anderen Rahmen, nämlich für einen Auflieger.

Ich denke letzteres ist ein Fehler, womit Deine Emailanfrage richtig beantwortet wurde.

Was willst den bauen: Truck oder Auflieger?

Hallo Steffen,

Habe die Carson Rahmenprofile hier 2x Original vor mir liegen und in beiden Packeten sind sie in Alu blank.

und ich weiß wo das Packet mit 2000m liegt, auch alle blank...
Du kannst das Profil auch Direkt über Veroma beziehen.



ich bräuchte das Profil für einen Truck. Aber aus der Art.-Nr. geht doch auch eindeutig hervor, dass dies ein Rahmenprofil für Trucks ist?
Ich denke mal, hier liegt ein Mißverständnis von Fa. Carson vor.

Matze, Michael, Christian:
also, wenn ihr sagt es ist alu blank, dann glaub ich euch das auch, obwohl bei dem ersten Link von Thomas das Profil tatsäclich schwarz aussieht.

Ich werd jetzt Herrn Schweichart von Veroma mal ´ne mail schreiben und geb dann Info.
Die Antwort von Veroma kam sehr schnell :ok
Jetzt wissen wir es ganz genau.


"Hallo Herr ...,

vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage .

Das Rahmenprofil ist in Alu - blank , als schwarz eloxiert nicht
lieferbar .

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Ihr Service Team

63877 Sailauf
Tel.: 06093 / 995346
Fax: / 995347

Geschäftsführer : Klaus Schweichart
Thomas Schweichart

Hello, sorry for using English but I need these chassis rails for an 8x4 rigid tipper truck project. Maybe someone who has these Carson 1m blank (NO HOLES drilled in them) frame rails here can understand me and answer in English as I speak very little German! Please can I ask ;-

1. What are the dimensions of the cross section in mm ? (please can someone who has them measure them fairly accurately with a digital calliper)?

The Tamiya frame rails that I am experimenting with (from my MB1838LS) are an unequal angle U-shaped channel section of 21.2mm wide (0.834 inch) x 7.05mm (0.277 inch) external size x 1.5mm (0.060") thickness x 388mm (15.27") length, as a comparison.

2. Do these Carson 1m long chassis rails have "square roots" i.e. does the inner part of the cross section have 90 degree corners or are the inner corners rounded like a U channel section of cheap, non-machined, hot-rolled steel.

Here's a link to the item ;-


(about 19 Euros including 19 per cent German VAT, or about 15 GBP)

They are available on Ebay also for 15 GBP plus 13 GBP postage from Germany.

The description is "Carson Rahmenprofil 2x1 m für Trucks 500907063", seems to be Tamiya item no. 907063.

3. And are they Aluminium like the originals?

They should be Aluminium if they are the same as the Tamiya 1/14 truck rails, so are quite easy to drill with Tamiya's small electric hand drill that I have, and I would actually drill the holes in the blank chassis rails by clamping another chassis rail with the correct holes in it firmly to the blank frame rail and using it as a jig to drill the holes without having the drill bit wander off centre, and for other holes I would be using a centre punch to guide the hole being made and stop the drill wandering. I also have a bench drill for doing this stuff but it's out in the shed (it's freezing cold out there LOL).

We are having a discussion about using blank chassis rails (U channel section) to make 8x4 trucks here ;-


Warm Greetings from England!

Alistair G.
Hi Alistair :winker

welcome to this lovely forum!! I'm very happy that model builders from Great Britain are also logged in.

I have the same Carson profile frame in my possession. The dimensions correspond exactly (!!!!) to the dimensions of the Tamiya profile.

To your questions:

1. There is a 1 meter long profile with an angle unequal to U-shaped channel section of 21.2mm wide, 7.1 mm thickness and 1.5 mm external size.

2. The inner part of the cross section have 90 degree corners, no round corners.

3. The quality of the aluminum is difficult to determine. It is relatively soft material that can be worked well with a cordless drill. Also you can cut threads into the material.

In summary you can say that the profiles of Carson / Veroma are exactly the same profiles as the original from Tamiya. To my knowledge, it is the only profile of this kind on the market that is manufactured as exact. I do it the same way as you: Two profiles jammed against each other and the one used as a template for the other - right one for left side - left one for right side.

So I hope your questions are answered for you. Furthermore, I would be delighted to read a building report from your model and see pictures. We'll see if the model builders built on the island in the same way as we do it here on the mainland. :ok

If you have any more questions, do not hesitate to ask. :ok:ok

Best regards

That's odd. I asked the Ebay seller Modellbau Berlinski http://www.ebay.de/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230689739285 about these Carson 907063 chassis rails that they are selling and they replied ;-

we are sorry, but there are no dimensions
given. It is black painted.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / With kind

Christian Lechtenfeld

Modellbau Berlinski
Märkische Straße
44141 Dortmund"

Can someone who actually has a set of these Carson #500907063 1m long frame rails with the exact correct cross section dimensions for Tamiya 1/14 trucks (same as the stock kit chassis frame rails) please tell me where they bought them from?

Best Regards,

Alistair G.
Hi Alistair,

it is indeed a bit strange as I got my rails from Berlinski. Last time I went up to his shop they were blank. Don't know if they have changed the production over :frage
Does it matter to you if they are coated or not? I rather go for the blank ones as they don't mind little scratches when getting all the holes and threads done.
Hi Alistair,

it is indeed a bit strange as I got my rails from Berlinski. Last time I went up to his shop they were blank. Don't know if they have changed the production over :frage
Does it matter to you if they are coated or not? I rather go for the blank ones as they don't mind little scratches when getting all the holes and threads done.

Hi, I don't mind whether they are black painted or just plain Aluminium. But, the cross section must be of IDENTICAL dimensions to the Tamiya 1/14 truck rails that come in the Tamiya kits. Are the ones that you got from Berlinski the exact same dimensions of cross section as the Tamiya kit ones?

Can you please check them with a calliper and tell me what the dimensions are on your chassis rails that you got from Berlinski?


Alistair G.
Hello Alistair,

the carson rails have the same dimensions. So you can fit all your 18mm parts you got from your Tamiya kits. Looks to me that the rails are extruded so they are not just made of sheet metal like some others.

Hello Alistair,

the carson rails have the same dimensions. So you can fit all your 18mm parts you got from your Tamiya kits. Looks to me that the rails are extruded so they are not just made of sheet metal like some others.


I just bought the Carson rails on Ebay from Berlinski Modellbau. Thanks for the help. I will report back here what the dimensions are and what finish the surface has.

The Tamiya chassis rails from the 1/14 truck kits have an unusual size, I have never understood why.

The inside corners of it are machined to size by a CNC Milling machine, I assume.


Alistair G.
No worries Alistair :ok
The carson ones are made by extrusion. You can tell that by the structure of the surface. I doubt it that they mill it at Tamiya, but I havn't had a look under the coating.
So let us know if they have changed it over to black painted ones.
OK so the Carson #907063 chassis frame rails arrived today from Modellbau Berlinski off Ebay, and I just measured the cross section in 3 places along the whole length with my digital calliper and I got 21.16mm (three readings, identical) wide, and 7.07mm deep (again, three readings, identical). The inner corners have got "square roots" (i.e. have been machined to give 90 degree angles, not rounded).

So thankfully they are the EXACT SAME dimensions of cross section as the Tamiya stock kit frame rails (same dimensions of cross section as my MB1838LS chassis frame rails).

Both rails are PLAIN ALUMINIUM (silver coloured all over). They are NOT black painted.

The packet that they came in was heat sealed and was just a "long bag" with a doubled over, colour printed card at the top, stapled on, with the Carson logo on the front, and a sticker on the back saying "Alu Rahmenprofil (2x1m) Best. Nr. 907063", along with a barcode of 4005299970634. They are 39 11/16" long (1008mm or 1.008m long). They are NOT a tapered version for trailers, the cross section is of constant dimensions all the way along. There are NO holes drilled in them at all.

For pictures, see ;-



Alistair G.

Oben Unten